NEW SERIES Monthly Digest: Aug 17

September is going to be a challenge. After flying around for half the summer and eating my way through the other half, going back to work is definitely going to be a shock to the system. As a result, I'm having to remind myself of the small joys in life: cue the birth of the Monthly Digest! I'll be releasing one on the first week of every month just to keep you in the loop as to what I've been getting up to, what I'm enjoying or anything personal that I don't think needs its own blog post. I love reading these on other people's so I hope you like them too!
Music Obsession
If you follow me on Instagram, you'd know that I am a huge Coke Studio fan. Season 10 has finally been released and I kid you not, I binge watched all of them the moment they appeared on YouTube .
Latest Post
Since learning how to make halloumi fries, I've made them three times already for guests during Eid! Babies and oldies alike seem to love them, especially the tamarind and pomegranate chutney. You can learn how to make it here.
Recipe On Repeat
After a full week of indulging in shingara, shondesh and soi pita, I'm ready to go on a detox. I've revisited this roasted chickpea soup recipe that I shared some time back to take my diet back to basics. I'm not someone who is used to eating lots of fried food and the last week has really taken a toll on me!
Lusting Over
I've been following @yourdamascenerose on Instagram for a really long time and have always loved her sketches and selfies. She's now got an Etsy shop that I'm ready to raid!
Current Read
The Book Of Dhaka is a book I dropped into my Amazon basket so I could get free shipping. Initially I didn't think it would that great. My only experience of Bengali short stories is Jhumpa Lahiri. I'm happy to report that I was so wrong about this text! Translated from Bangla, each story is a celebration of the origin and development of Bangladesh. I haven't finished it yet but I would recommend it to anybody who has a love for Bengali literature but doesn't have the time/attention span to dedicate to an ancient tome. It's also made me realise that I can think in Bangla. Often I'll find myself reading translated phrases and thinking "Hey, that's not what it's meant to say!"