Monthly Digest: Oct 17

It’s the weekend (woo!) and it’s my three year blogaversary too! I’ll be the first person to say that having a Bengali food blog has not been the easiest ride. When I first began I was embarrassed to share what my family and I loved. I’m so glad I’ve gotten over that now. To those of you who’ve stuck by me since day one (Girl With The Golden Tiffin, anyone?), to those who plaster my posts all over their IG with heart emojis and those shy messages from people who would never publicly admit that bhorta/satni is their jam: I do it only for you and those like you.
On playback
One of the biggest additions to Golden Tiffin has been the Youtube channel. I’m still trying to figure out where I’m trying to take this medium. I will never be a vlogger, hauler, Q+Aer. Believe me, my opinions should not be given the luxury of so much air time. While most of the videos centre around travel, I do want to start adding more easy Bengali recipes- the kind I wish I had when learning to cook myself!
Latest post
My immune system is infamous amongst my social circle for all the wrong reasons. Does it even work? Is it even existent? My forays into the world of monthly blood tests and fainting incidents are subject to many a well-documented Whatsapp conversations. Move over Web MD, you don’t hold a candle to my friends’ diagnoses! I’ve been trying to eat better the past few weeks in a bid to hold onto whatever good health by packing in the greens however I can. This autumn vegetable curry made good use of all the leftovers I had knocking around the fridge! I love having vegetables and dhal with roti too. There is no better pick me up than flaky roti fresh off the tawa and a warm bowl of spicy greens.
Recipe on repeat
I’m not lying to you when I say I’ve made nankhatai about three times this week alone. Part of that reason is because as a newlywed in Bengali culture, you’re often invited to a relative’s home for dinner. Tradition dictates that you must come bearing mishit. I prefer to take homemade nankhatai in antique tins that I salvage from charity shops because I just feel it’s a lot more personal than the sickly sweet mess you find on Ilford Lane.
After realizing that Bangladesh within the 10 day holiday I get during Christmas probably won’t be worth the two days of travelling it involves, I decided instead to book a holiday to Vietnam. I’ll be starting in Hanoi and flying back from Ho Chi Minh. If you’ve been, drop me an email or comment with recommendations!
New in
After many several heated discussions with my significant other, who thinks a Canon 50mm F1.2 is “a luxury”, I’m reluctantly putting it up for sale as we just purchased the Sony 24-70mm. What’s astonishing is that the 50mm is smaller but still weighs more! I’ll be sad to part with it but I think it’s a necessary step for somebody who doesn’t use the lens to take portraits.